Search Engine Marketing

The best websites on the net would have little or no impact if people could not find them. The goal of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is to ensure that the target audience of qualified users has a much higher probability of being directed to a specific site via a search engine. On today’s Internet, search engines have a automated systems which index and rank sites based on many factors, visit casino en ligne fiable to also win real money. SEO and SEM are very powerful services that take the guesswork out of getting the most from any interactive investment for example on .

Website design

Current industry estimates show that roughly 80-90% of all user traffic is casino en ligne search engine driven. Typical search engine users will run searches using selected keyword sets, examine the first page or two and select the first link that seems to be a close fit to their needs.

On average, 90% of all traffic goes to the top twenty search terms displayed.

Therefore, it is essential for any site seeking to generate qualified user traffic to appear in the top 20 listings. We perform an in-depth analysis is conducted to assess the potential value of a site’s current keywords based on how often they are used in searches and determine how well these keywords meet a site’s needs. These keyword sets will be regularly modified and augmented in order to better target the key audience.


Following the analysis phase, stage two entails preparing a website for submission to all major search engines. Website components, including meta tags, page content, body text, title tags, etc., are modified to create an optimal website infrastructure allowing for the best possible indexing currently available. Once page optimization is complete, Cunning Development will use its own indexing emulation system to test the pages for accuracy and ranking.

Only after complete site optimization has been finished and tested, will a site be ready to be re-launched and submitted to the major, and minor, search engines on the web. Reciprocal site linking is also utilized to ensure major search engines like Google are fully made use of.

The site will receive continued fine-tuning to ensure that the ranking of search terms remain at their elevated levels.

Any business, which is serious about securing a competitive edge for all of its interactive investments, would benefit from our Search Engine Optimization and Marketing Solutions.